Friday, July 30, 2010

Help Build Our Collection!

Here at the WPL, we Children's Librarians do our very best to buy all the books that we think Wallingford kids will enjoy. I have a secret to share with you: we aren't perfect. Shocking, I know. We buy what we can, but I guarantee you that there are books we have missed. And this is where we need your help - please let us know if there is a book you want to read, but have not been able to find in our library. I'm talking about things we don't already own, not items that we have but are always checked out. (I know you all want to read Diary of a Wimpy Kid, but unfortunately, we can only afford to buy so many copies!) This is your library, so it is extremely important for us to make sure the collection has everything you need and want. If you have suggestions for us - whether it is a picture book, chapter book, or something nonfiction, please let us know in the comments.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions!


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Read Anything Good Lately?

Summer is now in full swing (can you believe how hot it's been?), and for many of you, I hope that means you've had time to catch up on your reading. Based on how many of you have been playing our Goulish Game Board, and have contributed to our GIANT Ice Cream Cone, I know that there are a lot of you out there who have been reading.

So now my question is, what have you read? In the comments, please feel free to share some of your favorite summer reads - and make sure to let us know why you liked them!


Monday, July 26, 2010

Who is that new librarian?

If you've stopped in the Children's Library anytime over the last month or so, you may have noticed a new face. Wondering who that might be? Well, I'd like to take a moment to introduce myself. I am Kari Hammond, the new Preschool Specialist. I've come to Wallingford by way of the public library in Lowell, Massachusetts, and am very excited to have joined the team. Next time you're in the library, please make sure to say hi! I can't wait to meet and get to know all of you.

I have also taken over the task of updating the blog. (I'm also posting Children's "stuff" on Facebook, so if you have a Facebook account, be sure to check out our page.) I've gotten a few new blog posts up already, but please keep checking back as there is much more to come! I encourage all of you to make comments on my posts, and suggestions for topics are always welcome.


Finished the Game Board?

Good for you! When you finish the game board for the first time (yes, you can play through the game twice), make sure to stop at the Children's Info Desk to pick up all of the rewards for finishing. If you have finished the game board, but didn't let us know at the desk, you can still stop in for your rewards.

For those second-time finishers out there (and I know there are a lot of you!), you can also stop at the desk to get your second raffle ticket.

So many kids have already finished this summer - CONGRATULATIONS to all of you, and keep up the good work!

WPL Summer Reading

There are only two weeks left in our Summer Reading Program! I can't believe how fast the summer has gone by. If you haven't signed up for our program yet, don't worry! You are certainly welcome to sign up, and can even count all that reading you've been doing this summer. (You have been reading, right?) Anything you've read since June 22nd counts.

We have two amazing programs this summer:

Haunt Your Library!
This program is geared to all of our school-aged friends out there. This summer's game board has a little bit of a spooky (but not too spooky!) theme to it. For every half-hour of reading that you do, you will earn one turn on the game board. The goal? To earn 9 unlucky charms to make a charm bracelet. (There are also other fun goodies you can earn along the way, and some special rewards you will get for finishing.)

Ice Cream for Books!
Not in school yet? Then this program is for you! Ice Cream for Books is a family program, so if you have brothers and sisters who are also too young to play the game board, you can work together - anything that gets read to you counts too. Earn scoops to add to our giant ice cream cone, along with a bunch of other goodies.

Under Construction

The WPL Children's Blog is being re-launched! Check back soon for new posts.