Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Request for Legos

Hi All,

Recently, we have gotten many requests to start up a Lego Club here at the library. This is something we would love to do, and are hoping that we might be able to start up a club soon. (I stress the word "might.") Before the club can actually start though, there is something very important that we need: Legos! The library has purchased some, but as many of you probably know, Legos are very expensive. In order to start a club, we definitely need more. Unfortunately, we really can't afford to buy all that we would need.

Here is where we need your help: if any of you out there have Legos lying around that you no longer need or want, please consider donating them to the library. I promise they will be put to good use, and they will make some of our school-age patrons very, very happy!



Anonymous said...

Always thought this was a good idea. Another idea that might be good (and possible less expensive) is to get some board games that people can play

WPL Children's Library said...

Having board games for a family game night is a great idea. In fact, we have several coming up this Fall:

Friday, September 17th
Friday, October 15th
Friday, November 19th

All Game Nights are at 7:00pm in the Children's Library. No matter how many Game Nights we have though, there are still requests for a Lego Club! :)